Sometimes life doesn't go according to plan. Who's plan? Well mine of course! I like to have plans, to have a goal, to have something to be working towards. There are multiple facits to enjoying a system, not liking sudden change(liking knowing what's coming next), being a perfectionist, etc...
So what happens when life takes a different turn? Heads for a course that I have not marked out as my preferred course of action. Throws me for a loop? Starts to change? Etc...
What happens when God so gently shows me that I've been planning inspite of him? Or that his plans aren't the same as my plans? Or that he has a better plan?
See my plans have been changing. God has been revealing his plans and showing me different perspectives to the life I thought I had all figured out. Things have been thrown into my path that were not expected...both good and difficult. So I have been trying to cope with these changes in plans. These curves in the road. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing well. Sometimes I feel like I'm sinking quickly. But I have come to realize that honestly I don't want to cope with change. I want to thrive in the midst of unforseen circumstances, bumps in the road, changes to my schedule. I don't want to be in any type of survival mode. I want to rise above and demand peace in my storms.
Here's what I've been thinking is key...being grounded. Having strong deep roots. A firm foundation. Being found in who God is and who I am. Resting in the things I am sure of. Hoping in the unseen. Knowing that his Eye is on the Sparrow. I have to be grounded. Anchored. Steadfast.
And I have to quit planning things. Not that I must fly by the seat of my pants. But that I ask for God's perspective instead of finding the way I want to go and walking in it. I can still have plans...plans for the day, to-do lists for the week, projects in waiting, ideas in the making. But I mean I need to hold the plans for my future, life, children, husband's desires, etc... so much more with an open hand instead of a tightly closed fist. It may feel comforting in the moment to find my security in those things, in those plans, in what I want...but in all honesty my heart is at rest most often when I am found in Him.
See I had our future all figured out. In my plans we would be in Chile right now. But God has/had other plans. And I can't wait to welcome him/her into the world in November!
My ideas didn't include my husband starting a business. But in supporting his dream I am seeing life and passion in his eyes I would NEVER want to replace with a different plan.
My plans for my children included Lyric's speech and coordination improving as she got older. I wasn't planning on the journey including help from speech, physical and occupational therapists. But I have such peace now that it is what she needs (her first appointment is tomorrow)
My life plans never included getting married at 20 and starting my family shortly thereafter. I planned on college. But God's plans...WAY better for me and for my life.
I wasn't planning on spending this length of time in Tulsa but the life and joy in my children's eyes when they see their Nana, Papa and Aunt and Uncles makes me constantly glad my plans have been changed for me.
So yes, life doesn't always go according to (MY) plan. But I'm ever so grateful that SOMEONE has the best plans in mind. And I'm learning to be grateful for the journey that takes me from my plans to his.
LOVE this and it really got me thinking! Thanks for sharing!
I need your email since you're taking time off fb. Thanks for sharing this :)
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