Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Crafty Creativity

Last week in preparation for my friend (and Lyric's godmother) Vikki's arrival I finally got around to making some of the cute fun projects I had been wanting to make for my house for a while. I posted about the frame I made for her which was an original design. Most of what I'm about to show you are copycat designs...meaning I saw them somewhere, liked the idea, and gave it a try (with my own spin of course). I think I maybe spent $10 on all of this together. And they are all super easy and fun things to do...that anyone can do!

CC (creative craft) #1: Book Wreath
Idea source: http://www.livingwithlindsay.com/2009/11/librarians-please-avert-your-eyes.html
My Cost: $2
Items used: Glue gun
Book (I used $1 store dictionary)
Foam wreath circle ($1 store)
black and gray paint.

I literally just followed her instructions and ta-da

CC#2: Wine Bottle Flower Bouquet
Idea Source: http://promisetangemanblog.com/personal-creations/holiday-recycled-diy-project
My cost: $1
Items used: Old wine bottle
Hot glue gun
Twirly sticks ($1 store)
Black and White paint

I used her concept but created my own. I don't have access to tree branches living in my apartment and since it's winter I couldn't go looking for them elsewhere very easily. I found the twirly sticks at the $1 and when I put it all together I liked it without the feathers. I had the idea to just put paint inside the bottle and shake it up a bit. I didn't know if it would turn out so I tried it in a glass first and loved it. It was seriously so easy to do on the bottle. I like hers and I like mine...mine just fits our style a bit more

I put it all together and created this pretty little area over my fire place in our apartment. I bought the frames at the dollar store and painted them black. So total on this whole area of my house I spent $5. Not bad. Just wish I could paint the wall...can you imagine that against a rustic red, chocolate brown or dark sage?

CC#3: Easy Candle Dress up
Idea source: Tables at my church
My cost: 50cents (I already had the candles and plate)
Items used: Candles

It's literally as simple as tying a bow on some candles. You can use whatever sized candles and whatever ribbon you have or can find. I bought mine for 50 cents at Walmart. My mom bought me the plate from India. I never could seem to find a perfect use for it.

CC#4 Cheaper than Target Candle set
Idea source: Saw something like it once
My cost: $2 (I already had the candles)
Items Used: Bag of rocks ($1 store)
Candles (originally from $1 store)
Tray ($1 at Salvation Army Thrift Store)
Black paint

I just saw something like this once. They're like $15 bucks at Target. I did mine for $2. Brushed the tray with black paint put on the rocks and candles. And mine cost $2 :) If I could have found a try that I liked on its own I wouldn't have painted it.

I did a couple of other things but these were on the top of my list because they were soooo easy and soooo inexpensive and they (in my opinion) look pretty good!

I love being creative. Most of the time my projects are gifts so it is super fun to make stuff for the house...and get to see it every day. Kind of inspires me to continue to be creative.

I have a long waiting list but I have the supplies for 2 more projects coming up. I found a great book in the library with some ideas I could hardly wait to try out.

Project #1 Supplies

Project #2 (which really is a 4 in one project) supplies:

I'll let the suspense rest there and post photos when they're done! Hope you enjoyed this...and that it inspires you to be creative and crafty too


Anonymous said...

AMAZING. love them and the ideas and can't wait to see the next two projects!

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