Thursday, July 30, 2009


There are few things I'm consistently resistant towards...usually I will attempt something at least once to give it a fighting chance even if first impressions are not favorable.

There is one thing that I seem to remain resistant towards and that is one thing that I can't seem to escape...


Don't get me wrong and don't be confused. I love VARIETY. I dislike monotony. But I don't like changes...changes in plans, changes in routine, changes in life patterns, changes in living location, etc... There is something about me that begins to be filled with dread and unexplained uneasiness when change is sprung on me or is in my not-so-distant future.

And things are once again about to change.

Chile is coming. Three weeks from today we leave Tulsa to be on our visit for 3 months and pray and decide where exactly in Chile we will be starting our ministry.

And it means lots of change. Parts of it will be constant change.

This irritation at change leaves me in a delicate balance. I'm excited about our future. I'm excited about all that we're about to do. BUT I wish we could be settled. The constant change leaves me unsettled and I don't like that feeling.

I was praying today because there are a lot of areas of my life right now that are not super solidified and concrete and it is making me feel quite anxious.

And I was reminded of this promise...Proverbs 3:23 "Then you will walk in your way securely and your foot will not stumble.

On this I will dwell. Though my world doesn't feel steady as we are in the midst of change...I can walk securely knowing that He is leading.


Jami & Baby Davis said...

I agree.

and I can't believe how close Chile is for you!

Allison said...

i feel you, so much....i hate it, it feels like transition is just another thing i have to adapt to this year. so many different shifts, as great as they can be all i feel is frustration toward them. i love you Petra.

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