I thought with being off of Facebook for the summer I would have more time to blog and such. Turns out I don't really have more time...just lots more things I am thinking of to do! But I figured I would do a stream of consciousness post...
Therapy with Lyric has been going well. I am still trying to find my new normal with all the appointments and working the things she is learning into our home life. Lyric has Sensory Input Dysfunction, Overall Muscle Weakness and Severe Speech Delay. It's a lot to explain in a blog but the good news is although this is a long road ahead the therapy is going to help her SO much. It also helps me understand some of her behavior...things that I have been completely out of my understanding trying to deal with. Now I understand they are things that are somewhat out of her understanding/ability to cope with too.
We made a flying visit to Colorado for a family reunion in honor of my Grammie's 80th birthday. It was her first time meeting my kiddos so that was special. But it was a short stay for such a long drive and we all came back pretty tired.
I have been slowly working on DIY projects around the house and hope to do a post on that soon. It has been lots of work but some good fun.
I am 22 weeks pregnant and starting to finally look that way. We tried to find out what we were having (gender) a few weeks ago and the baby was uncooperative. My doctor is going to be nice and peek again for me in August when I go back for my follow up...normally she wouldn't unless it was medically necessary. We also changed our baby names around again so it means the baby is not OC anymore but baby AC. Minor detail :)
Funny kid stories:
Atticus. We were driving to Colorado. After miles of open road/fields in Kansas we arrived in busy Denver traffic. Not too long after I hear from the back seat "Hey. Hey! Cars! Go Away! Hey Go away!' from my son. I guess he missed the wide open plains view!
Lyric. In speech therapy this week she was kind of being uncooperative. They were reading a book (Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?) The next page it says something like 'a red fox that's what i see". The therapist was having her say the animal before reading what it was. Lyric was doing it but super slowly and silly and basically dragging her feet. Then the therapist put the book down. Lyric picked it up and began to 'read': "brown bear, brown bear, wa you, see?' See a fox'. fox Fox wa you see? See a cat. etc.... The WHOLE book. Finishing with a sweet 'The end!' Guess she just wanted to do it on her terms.
Oh and I am realizing I'm turning 25 in a few weeks and celebrating my 5th anniversary in October. It somehow makes me think I'm growing up...but I'm really still so young...with lots of life lived in the last 5 years, pregnant with my 3rd child, etc... I love my crazy busy little life.
So great that you've been able to visit Denver and take your kiddos as well! I'm so excited to hear what names you go with. You are so creative in that way!
Can't believe ur just turning 25!!! Such an amazing life and you've only just begun!
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