In honor of the upcoming Mother's Day holiday I thought I would take a moment to blog about the wonderful people who made me a mommy in the first place. Starting with my beautiful daughter Lyric Avrilessa Honor:
In many ways I see myself in her. She does not handle disappointment well. She knows what you feel without needing words. She doesn't like change or when she is told something and it doesn't happen. She doesn't take risks unless she knows that there can be a successful outcome. The emotions behind her eyes resonate in my soul
In other ways she's like her Daddy. She is a friend to all and inviting to everyone she sees. She takes a while to warm up to new places, taking time to assess the situation and people in it. She can raise one eyebrow like Ian and their facial expressions often mirror each other. She has her daddy's charismatic warmth.
But in most ways she is 100% Lyric. She is careful and calculated. Fun and funny. Kind and warm. Peaceful and relaxed. Stubborn and emotional. She cannot be rushed, thrives on a schedule/routine, and enthusiastically greets strangers where ever we go. She loves with a full heart. She wants you to be happy and 'ok'. She loves to sing and dance, read books, play with Ca-cus and inhale the outdoors. She loves pink, purses and her polka dot flip flops. She is smiles often and genuinely.
Being her mommy is mostly easy. She does have her moments but she mostly trusts me and obeys. She is a doting, loving and (sometimes) bossy big sister who loves her little brother and baby on the way like they are her best friends. She adores her daddy although she prefers his cuddles to tickles. She is always mimicking the things I do and say. She loves to cook with me, wash dishes and help me clean up (especially if we sing the 'clean up' song). So very often I hear her saying things that I have said such as 'Ca-cus sit down', 'Oh Shoot', "It's ok", etc...
She is an endearing soul. As a 3 year old the person that she is so caring, loving, thoughtful and warm that I cannot wait to continue to get to know her as a child, adolescent and adult. The somewhat scary and daunting fact is that how I parent and love her through those times will dramatically shape the person that she is and will become. Keeping all those wonderful things in her and cultivating them to grow---it's incredible motivation to do my best as her parent. I so want people to always know Lyric as 'the words to a song of integrity and honor that comes like butterflies with the blossoms of spring' (which is the full meaning to her whole name). Because that is already who she is to me.
She is our Lyric. Our sweet sweet song. My first born. My daughter.
Wow. I think this is my favorite blog so far. I was just nodding in agreement and chuckling the whole time as I recalled all the memories I have of your lovely little Lyric. And beautifully written!!! Ok bedtime, I have some food shopping to get to tomorrow! :)
Just beautiful. Perfectly captured the Lyric we know and love. Gorgeous. Vikki x
everytime i read your blogs about parenthood. it warms my heart and i look forward to someday being able to say the same things about my children. at the same time, when i read your blogs i realize how un-ready i am to be a mom. my darling sister, i admire you and respectl you more now then i ever have in the past. may God continue to bless you. --sarah--
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