Saturday, March 13, 2010

Simple Saturday: This year.

Well I finally finished writing my 'New Year's Resolution list".  It's late I know but I didn't want to just write something in haste :)  Plus it's my 'Year 2010 Goal List" so that doesn't mean I have to write it on New years right?

1.  Read 50 books
2.  Take a family vacation
3.  Organize and backup all digital photos 2005 to present
4.  Organize, sort, label all boxes in storage.  Get rid of junk.  Sell stuff we haven't thought about or used in the last year
5.  Take some classes this summer at the community college
6. Potty train Lyric
7.  Love more through my gift of giving
8.  Limit computer to only when kids are sleeping
9.  Come up with creative, low cost, electrionic-free Saturday family fun
10.  Create-discover new, practical, fun ways to be creative in daily life
11.  Recultivate intimacy with God
12.  Answer the rest of my blog questions

I made my list acheivable...I hate putting things on it that I know wont happen.  That seems like an unrealistic goal.  Some of these are really challenging but still in the acheivable bracket :)

Wish me luck
and stay tuned as I work on number 12 soon!


Anonymous said...

awesome list! You can do it!

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