Saturday, March 6, 2010

Crafty Mama: Fabulous Fabric

So do you remember when I wrote this post? Remember at the end when I said showed you a sneak peak of some materials for some projects that I was going to be working on? Well I finally had the chance to get some worked on. One of them isn't made yet, but I am pleased with the results of the other 3. I got the ideas out of this book. And so from now on I plan on titling my craft/project posts as crafty mama. I like it. And I like this book. I need to buy my own (especially since I know they're only $10 on Amazon). This one is from the library and I've already renewed it once!

Project 1: Foxy Boxes (her title not mine!) was to cover shoe boxes in fabric. I love how mine turned out :) I use shoe boxes as keepsake boxes for my kids. They have little things in them from ultrasound photos to hospital bracelets to letters I write them, to airplane tickets, etc... I've been wanting to make them cute for a while now and when I happened upon this idea I was sold! And it's so easy! Anyone could do this. But if you don't think you can and really want some...who knows maybe I'll start selling them someday :)

All you need is fabric, a shoe box, spray adhesive, ribbon and fabric glue for a hot glue gun.

I think they turned out so cute...minus the fact I didn't quite get enough ribbon to finish the left side. An easy fix!

Won't those look so cute on their closet shelf? I mean you could use them for anything and put them anywhere!

Project #2 and #3: Wipey Clutch and Diapalope.

Wipey clutch was to spice up a travel wipe container...and Diaplope is a diaper envelope to use in your diaper bag or purse. I wanted it because I use my purse as my carry all right now so if I leave the kids it's great to be able to just pull out the Diaplope (which the wipey clutch fits inside) and leave it or carry it to change them somewhere.

The great thing is that you use the spray adhesive and and fabric hot glue again. I really changed up the diapalope because I had to make it work for my cloth diapers...this bigger and bulkier :)

But I love love love them!

Fits 2
Bum Genius cloth diapers

Final product!

This is one of the rare situations where I made something that wasn't practical :) I mean I will definitely use the things I made! But I could have done without them. I just loved trying the new ideas and someone blessed me with a shopping trip to buy supplies for projects. I thought it would be fun to try a different medium (fabric) and to make stuff that would be fun to use...rather than give away or look at on my wall!

Maybe I'll even start perfecting these ideas to sell, but if not they will definitely be great ideas for gifts!

Oh I like fun posts like these!


Anonymous said...

i love the boxes and def want to try this! AMAZING! And from a shoe box!
And i really like the clutch! Sooo cute!

Simply Me said...

i like that i can use the clutch for wipes...or a cute clutch if i wanted a small purse... haha

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