Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Framily (Thoughtful Tuesday)

About 3 months ago my friend Nate wrote on his facebook status that he had a great time hanging out with FRAMILY. The second that I read that invented word I knew it was the word I had been searching for to describe the place in my heart for special people in my life. Friends that are in reality more like family. Framily. Friend-Family.

People you allow to know you for who you are
People you connect to on a heart level
People who's spirits are joined to yours

People you will always have as part of your life.

And that is where my thoughts are resting today. On Framily...on those people who are so dear that I miss so deeply. Specifically my framily in Colorado.

I miss having a best friend for a neighbor. I miss having kids my kids can grow up with. I miss sharing life in Keeley's kitchen. I miss having Alli over on Thursdays. I miss walking onto the YWAM Base and feeling part of community. I miss summertime in the backyard with Zoe and Reegan and Keeana and Lyric running in the sprinkler while Lorrie, Keeley and I ate Watermelon and talked about being women in ministry. I miss SYTYCD nights and laughing with my girls. I miss Ian's snowboarding adventures with the guys. I miss having Fozzy and Grant and Nate and whoever was hungry over for dinner. I miss Dan sitting on my couch with Ian...two hardcore guys sitting like geeks on their computers making art. I miss baking cookies with Alli and her sweeping up the flour with my basting brush. I miss American Idol nights with Jae and Heidi. I missed getting to know Jami and now wishing we'd been able to have all our email conversations in person. I miss Sam and Monday night house night and her blessing my life daily. I miss Beth and her hugs and her kids and how they loved my children. I miss picking having her kids over so she could run errands. I miss getting to share life over a cup of tea. I miss visiting Eagle Rock on the weekends during Boarders. I miss trying to garden with Keeley, and garage sales all summer long. I miss my kids being swept up in the loving arms of framily. I miss having a 'revolving' front door...where people just would stop by and be fed or loved. I miss Alli bringing me Starbucks just cuz. I miss my couch being full of people...strangers turned friends turned family.

All in all I miss my Colorado Framily. I knew I would. I just didn't know how much.


Breeze said...

I experienced the same thing when I left. ouch, it was painful and still is sometimes.

The Me You See said...

I left my framily in England about 4 years ago and my eyes still shed tears because I miss them so much. Good thing our God is good, all the time!

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