Friday, January 8, 2010

More than where the heart is...


It's so much more than 'where the heart is'.

It is
a place to rest
a safe haven
where you can put your feet on the coffee table
a place to create
where you have the freedom to let down all guards
a place to just be

it is
a place to decorate
a place to feel alive
where you can practice the lost art of hospitality
a child's playroom
a nest
a place to settle

it is
luxury in 4 walls
a place that is comforting
a place where memories are made
where you can always be yourself
a space to call your own
a place to rest a weary head/soul

It is still in my dreams

I'm thankful for all our places to stay. I am thankful for God's provision and his hand in our lives. I am thankful for the dream we are in the process of realizing as we move to Chile. In all sincerity I understand that this is part of the 'cost'.

But that little-girl-playing-house me is all grown up.

I'm ready for that kind of home.


Anonymous said...

Part of me goes out to you gooes because you've been in limbo and moved so much over the last few years but mostly I'm so very excited for you guys. You're doing what is way down deep in heart; what God has called you to do. That's awesome!

Just a thought, if home is where your heart is then your home is with your family in Chile ... and yes with 4 walls and a coffee table to put your feet on! :)

Love you guys!

We should hang out sometime. I'm fasting Facebook until the 21st so I haven't really been in much contact with anyone. I have a new blog up though (
and you can always reach me via email or cell.


Anonymous said...

okay ... the "gooes" should be "guys"

Simply Me said...

yes my heart is with my family in chile (when we are there).

To have you heart there is more than a's a feeling. I don't know how else to explain.

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