Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What I wanna be when I grow up

It is dawning on me slowly

As a mom I am everything I ever wanted to be

And to be a mom I didn't need a college degree

Yet as a mom I am several things that I had considered studying in college.

I am a NURSE...I take temperatures, disinfect wounds, administer enemas and treat/diagnose minor aches and ailments. My patients are a loyal and consistent 2 1/2 and 1 year old.

I am a TEACHER...Everyday I help my children learn. Be it ABC's, 123's, colors, shapes, Spanish words, etc... We learn manners, art, discipline and they don't even have to be potty trained before the can come...that's included

! I am an ACTRESS...Every time I read a book I make those words come alive. Not to mention playing princess, creating sound effects for cars, enjoying homemade 'soup', and the ever so common: acting as if I truly can understand every word that they are telling me.

I am an ATHLETE...well I don't specialize in any sport. But put my child in danger and I bet I can outrun any Olympian. I am in constant training which includes carrying 1/3 of my weight on semi-constant basis throughout the day. I am also quite skilled at juggling multiple bags, maneuvering shopping carts with my stomach/waist and picking up things with my toes when I just don't have a free hand.

I am a MANAGER of a small business I like to call my home. I am also chief financial operator. We do not have a high rate of monetary profit but I am well paid in the currency of a peaceful home and financial stability.

I am an ARTIST. During the day my preferential medium is crayon. I also am a skilled scrapbooker and maker of homemade gifts. I get to do what I love: create something from nothing.

I am all of these things as a mother.

They were all professions I considered at pursuing at different points in my life.

Did I forget to mention I am also a COUNSELOR, Laundress, dishwasher, COOK, chouffer, maid, BAKER, HEALTH ADVISER, DANCER, LONG TERM CAREGIVER, WRITER, PHOTOGRAPHER, diaper service, ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR, and CREATIVE/INTERIOR DESIGNER. *Italics denotes jobs that I do not prefer but that come with the territory.

I am mommy...and mommy is all the things I ever wanted to be rolled into one.

What else is there?
Missionary? Check
Wife? Check
Sister, daughter, friend? Check

I got it made. I didn't have to choose. I get to do it all.
I AM what I wanna be when I grow up!


The Life of Susan said...

such a beautiful post petra! you are all that and so much more! :)

Alaina Niblett said...

I absolutely love this! I feel the exact, i mean, EXACT same way!!!!!!!!!

Jami & Baby Davis said...

Amazing. i love it!

Anonymous said...

I love your mind!

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