Monday, January 18, 2010

Live Well, Eat Cheap

I have an idea for a new blog/email list/group in the works...

You could (for a very minimal fee) receive the following:
Weekly Menu Plan (of healthy, all natural meals, 3 meals a day and snacks)
Recipes for above menu
Grocery list for all items
Weekly tips for cost cutting, leftover usage, etc...

If you live in the USA it could also include:
Where to get your food on sale for the week
When to stock up on sale items (example: meat)

Some of you may do this already...but I know that for many it's not something you know much about. I live this way and I am constantly learning more about healthy eating, menu planning, budgeting, etc... I figured why not see if it interests you.

If this is something you think you might be interested in message me your email address and I will send you a questionnaire that will help me assess if it is something that would be beneficial for you. Also I plan on doing a week trial for free that would help people see what it would be like.

Let me know what you think. If I have 3-5 people who express serious interest then I will try and get the site launched by the first full week of February!


Alaina Niblett said...

Count me IN!

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