Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Once again I'm in the process of packing, sorting, cleaning, organizing, minimizing, trashing, packing....

I'm not in love with it.

In fact I am beginning to actually detest it.

I'm excited for the journey.

I dislike the preparation process.

The packing part is fine, it's the cleaning, organizing, minimizing, trashing, cleaning part that's starting to get under my skin.

But it's a necessary part.

I couldn't go on the journey leaving all my mess behind. There's no one else who's going to clean it up.

I'm so glad that my walk with Jesus isn't like that. Sure there are times he asks me to clean it up and get my act together a little more in areas of personal growth. But in reality I'm not the one who does all those things in my life. He is. He just invites me to go on the journey. In fact a lot of times he says "Leave that stuff behind"...

I wish someone would walk up to me and say 'Don't worry about the cleaning, sorting, organizing, Petra. I'll do it for you. Just go enjoy your experiences." Not having that in this practicality makes me that much more appreciative of HIS grace in my spirituality.

It's amazing sometimes what will get you thinking.

P.S. I will try and update reflections on our journey in CHILE.


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