Part three of my mother's day blogs...A little bit on me and baby #3.
I decided today that I'm going to call baby #3 baby OC. Because O and C are the starting letters of the names we have picked out for this baby. Plus the added bonus that OC rhymes with 3 :)
I don't know a lot about Baby OC yet. I know that he/she is making me sick a lot more than I'd like. I know that I have felt his/her first little flutters of movement the past few days. I know that I get to see him/her for the first time on ultrasound on Tuesday. I know Daddy wants to have another son. I know that I just want to not be throwing up and having my energy back.
I know this baby is so very loved.
When I was pregnant with Lyric I thought most of the emotions that came with my pregnancy were due to the fact that it was my first pregnancy. I was excited, nervous, curious. I wanted to meet my baby the second I knew I was pregnant. I loved pouring over name books looking for the name I felt would be right for our baby. I was fascinated with every aspect of pregnancy and SO in love with the little one that was growing inside me.
Maybe it's silly but I thought most of those feelings wouldn't come with baby #2, #3, etc... but Baby OC is every bit as exciting. I am equally as enamored. I loved choosing his/her name. I can't wait to show him/her kicking to my kids. I love the baby so very much and can't wait to meet him/her.
There are some days I am terrified of adding another little life to our already lively household...but I know that we have so much love to give.
You see I know I'm not a perfect mom. I know there are days I fail miserably as seeking out the best interests of my children. I know that I could do certain things better, or more often or less. But I do my best and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my children know that they are loved. And that is to me the most important thing.
And so in closing on my 4th Mother's Day...
Lyric, Atticus and Baby OC. I love you. Thank you for opening my eyes and heart to the incredible world of motherhood. I have never been stretched so far and so hard. I have never doubted my abilities more. I have done things well and I have failed. But know that no matter what I do imperfectly...I love you completely. No matter what you will always be my son/daughter. I value you, want whats best for you and would give my life for you. You are my greatest joy and I love you so much. Thank you for being my children. I really truly love being your mom. I wouldn't trade this for anything else in the world.
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