Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sometimes and still...bout time for another one!

It's been a while since I blogged in this style...but I thought it would be fun to bring it back today. I did post a 'Silent Sunday' photo but I'm in the mood to write :)

I try but still
Sometimes I loose my patience with my husband's little tendencies
Sometimes I get impatient having to wait for South America
Sometimes I wish I had a new that was pretty and didn't break down
Sometimes I forget to trust God and try too hard on my own.
Sometimes I wish that I had gone to college.
Sometimes I waste time on the computer doing things that don't matter
Sometimes I feel discouraged and compare my creativity to others more talented
Sometimes let my kids watch too much tv just because I need to get things done
Sometimes I obsess over the longing to have my own home
Sometimes I find peace illusive
Sometimes I forget to eat lunch and end up eating a snack too close to dinner.

If I could I would...
Make exquisite meals and spend more time in my kitchen
Spend all day in creative artistic activity
Be pregnant again
Take my kids to the park weekly (you know...if it was spring)
Live on a ranch

I'm finding I love...
Having real conversations with Lyric. I love getting glimpses of her beautiful spirit.
The incredible fast learning capacity of Atticus. He daily amazes me with his 'see once, do forever' ability.
My husband's dreams and ideas... as many as they are. He's amazing
Living near my kid's grandparents. I love watching their relationships cultivate.
Tuesday nights. Ian goes out. I make time to create.
The constant learning curve of my life. I have so much on my mind these days. But I love that. My crazy life.


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